Monday 11 January 2010

Prime Minister Who: 'I Don't Want To Go'

In an interview with Prime Minister Who Magazine, Gordon Brown has given his backing to David Tennant as the Doctor.

"I would rather have a Doctor who looks good in a suit than a Doctor who looks like his mum's dressed him up for his first Young Farmers' Ball in Taunton," he said as he sat in his untidy bedroom, adding: "I think Matt Smith is a terrifying prospect."

Told that Prime Minister Who was not a fan of his, Matt Smith laughed: "Well, that's a pity, but there we are."

Mr Brown - famous for bringing his trademark brooding dourness to the title rĂ´le of Prime Minister Who since 2007 - is due to be replaced in a few months by fresh-faced young English child actor David Cameron, who is said to be looking forward to capering off around the universe with madcap abandon.

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