Thursday 8 May 2008

Police Get Anti-Social

UK news, and Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has told the police to crack down on hardcore troublemakers who ignore warnings about their anti-social behaviour to give them “a taste of their own medicine”.

“These hooligans can expect a visit from PC Do-As-You-Would-Be-Done-By,” said Ms Smith. “If you’re a persistent offender, he might turn up outside your house in his car, blasting out the hits of Phil Collins from his sound system morning, noon and night. Or he might stagger around in your garden in the small hours of the morning, hollering “A Policeman’s Lot Is Not A Happy One” at the top of his voice and relieving himself all over your cannabis plants before having a drunken argument with me, accusing me of flirting with other coppers down at the station. He will steal your wheelie bin, emptying its contents all over your driveway and claiming he’s doing vital forensic work and you can’t touch him for it. He will make your life hell.”

Asked whether anti-social police behaviour might include terrorising law-abiding members of the public with firearms, the Home Secretary responded by launching a barrage of abusive language at journalists - shortly after which she was surrounded by a gang of laughing police officers calling her a “middle-aged slapper” and urging her to “get ‘em out” for the lads.

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