Saturday 3 March 2012

Princess Beatrice Slightly Disappointed With Work Experience Offer

She'll fit right in
HRH Princess Beatrice of York, who graduated last year with a useless history degree, is finding that her dreams of a glittering career in the rag trade may have to be put on hold for a while, after discovering that the only work experience the Chadwick Street Jobcentre could offer her involves stocking shelves in a pound shop on the deeply unfashionable side of the Thames.

“I’m sure we can teach Beatrice some great skills to fill out her CV,” commented shop manager Chopak Singh. “If she’s set her heart on working with commoners, they certainly don’t get any commoner than the dead-eyed human wreckage that lurches in here every day.”

“And don’t get me started about the customers,” he added with a shudder.

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