Thursday 17 July 2008

Watch Your Language Innit

The use of the word ‘Fabian’ has been strongly condemned for its derogatory associations by the Chav Society think-tank.

The Chav Society’s editorial director, Johnny Asbo, said the word betrays a deep level of “class hatred” and is “deeply offensive to a largely voiceless group, yeah?”

“The lower classes, right, have always used language to distinguish themselves from those a few rungs above them the ladder, like”, says Mr Asbo, in an article due to be published on a subway wall in Leytonstone. “But this is something new, innit? This is working-class hatred of the white middle class, pure and simple. Respeck.”

Dictionaries define ‘Fabian’ as a slang term for a Guardian-reading person of middle-class social status, often wearing designer pullovers. The term originated in Bloomsbury and Islington, but has recently become widespread within the Labour Party as an expression of contempt.

George Bernard Shaw - a long-standing contributor to the popular Fabian comic, New Statesman – argued, however, that the term was meant to be an insult, and that was fine.

“I think the Chav Society’s attempt to step in and become the voice of the the middle class is frankly patronising,” he said. “And you can quote me on that.”

The row follows a sense of outrage expressed last month by the Formula One travelling community, sparked by the well-known pikey Martin Brundle making derogatory remarks about a group of so-called “back markers” he spotted on the track in Canada.

“It’s just insulting to have my race history brought up time and time again,” said an aggrieved David Coulthard.

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