Tuesday 13 March 2012

Nev Filter Still Waiting For Police To Arrest Editor

The Nev Filter is still waiting for the police to come and arrest its editor and writer, after committing the same “racially-motivated public order offence” that 19-year-old Azhar Ahmed was charged with yesterday by the West Yorkshire force.

Racist bastard Nev reckons they should all be sent home
“Obviously, like Mr Ahmed, at the time I wasn’t actually aware that British soldiers were a distinct racial group as such,” admitted evil racist Nev, “But in law, ignorance is no defence and I am currently waiting for justice to be done all over me.”

Strangely, hardly any of the national papers could find space to cover Mr Ahmed’s – or indeed Nev’s – vile claim that British soldiers’ lives might in some way be over-valued in the media. The honourable exception was, naturally, the Daily Mail, which sensibly called for Mr Ahmed – and therefore, presumably, Nev – to be kicked out of Britain immediately for having the cheek to speak the heresy that Afghan lives were in some way equivalent to British ones.

“I expect that, like the papers, the police are simply too busy at the moment hunting everyone who has ever come into contact with Rebekah Brooks,” mused Nev, as he patiently made himself another coffee whilst waiting for the inevitable and richly-deserved knock on the door. “Apart from David Cameron, of course, who only ever went within a mile of her if someone can dig out a photograph of it.”

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