Sunday 16 November 2008

Urban Awards Show Marred By Horrific Outbreak of Music

Shocked guests have been talking about the horrifying moment when an ugly act of senseless music broke out in the middle of the Urban Violence Awards at London’s O2 Arena last night. 
Eye-witnesses told investigating police they weren’t actually there and this racist interrogation constituted harassment, but a homey who happened to be in the vicinity told them that a group of about thirty people suddenly jumped up and started rapping.
“One of my hoes caught it all, right in both ears,” said a shaken MC C. “The beats must have come straight at her, and she’s pretty shaken up. I had to slap the bitch twice before she stopped tapping her foot.”
“Still, I got an award for it,” he added. “Word.”
“The company I work for, Intensify Death, were just presenting an award for Least-Provoked Termination of a Promising Life,” said Brixton drug-earl PS/3. “Our man was just about to go on stage and present this award when this happened. The irony is that Intensify Death is a project that tries to spread the message to murderous gang members of Britain’s inner cities that packing an iPod really isn’t cool at all, so this is really disappointing.”
Some guests have criticised security at the venue, saying that if they had known they could take knives, guns and hand-grenades into the event then the singers would have been silenced immediately.

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